Design Contest

This year's conference will include the 10th annual MEMOCODE Co-Design Contest, which poses a computational challenge that participants may solve using hardware or software on FPGAs, GPUs, and CPUs. Past contests have included interesting problems in areas of machine learning, bioinformatics, data analytics, and image processing; past winners have built innovative solutions targeting GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs.
The conference will sponsor at least one prize with a monetary award for the contest winners. Additionally, each team delivering a complete and working solution will be invited to prepare an abstract and present it at the conference, and the winning teams will be invited to contribute a short paper for presentation in the conference program.

The 2015 design contest specification is available HERE.


  • Design Contest starts August 15, 2016 (extended)
  • Contest Submissions September 13, 2016 (extended)
  • Evaluation Results September 15, 2016
  • Design Papers due October 7, 2016