To encourage student attendance, MEMOCODE'06 is offering a limited number of student travel grants supported by our industry sponsors BLUESPEC and NOKIA.  A grant of $400 is intended to offset the cost of the student conference registration.  We have a limited number of grants. Please apply to the grant as soon as possible to maximize your chance of receiving it.

To receive this grant, you (or your student) must apply by email to "jhoe at" with the subject heading “MEMOCODE Student Grant”.  The application must be received before the July 5th (registration deadline).  Recipients of the grant will announced by July 10th.

In the application for the grant, please provide the following information

1.    your name and affiliation
2.    your PhD advisor’s name and affiliation
3.    identify yourself with one of the following if applicable
    -    presenter of a MEMOCODE paper/poster
    -    author of an accepted MEMOCODE paper/poster
    -    author of a submitted MEMOCODE paper